The first weeks of autumn are the ideal time to prepare our home for the arrival of the cold. A perfect occasion to stop and reflect on how we consume energy during our daily activities and discover new ways to reduce the energy costs of maintaining our home and the dreaded electricity bill.
The first measure necessary to reduce the amount of energy we use at home is to prevent heat leaks. A few changes can fully make a difference and generate huge compensation in terms of savings and family comfort.
Proper insulation of the house is the most efficient way to ensure a sufficiently heated environment, without resorting to heating. In this sense, as increasing the thickness of internal wall insulation can be time-consuming and costly, a much more viable alternative which is less intrusive and quick to apply is the installation of decorative panels.
MSD Panels for decoration add an insulating, protective and decorative layer to the walls and ceilings of the house. The MSD 3D Wall line also provides the rooms of your home with that touch of design and differentiation that complete a unique and personal style.
MSD 3D Wall panels are manufactured in Spain with SMC. Not only do they offer thermal insulation and energy savings, but they are also light and resistant and are a very attractive investment, since they are protected with a ten-year warranty.
Installing them is as simple as levelling, applying the adhesive and fitting, as colour can be customised to adapt to any personal or professional project.
Energy efficiency
An energy efficient home offers adequate comfort and temperature, a controlled humidity level, good insulation to conserve heat and the necessary ventilation systems to ensure the quality of the air we breathe.
Other measures we can establish in our home aimed at saving energy are the selection of the most suitable gas and electricity rates; replacing conventional bulbs with LED; progressively replacing appliances with lower consumption models; checking and reforming if necessary the windows or other openings of the home.